Ok now that you have answered yourself & I know some of
you have defined it in medical terms (Geeks ^_*) & some of you have opened
Wikipedia to know the definition. Define it as you want. It is powerful tool
mad by the god ‘’Allah’’& I am really thankful of that imagine if it was made
by humans how would it be!!!???
For certain it won’t be like it is now. The mind has great
powers, I will say it is the only organ in our body that can make us as heroes
or normal people or as my little niece says it “are you people or Bananas”. To
make it a point about it is capability now think back something funny you did
in the past & realize that you will smile or even laugh unconsciously. Try
to remember some embarrassing situation that you had to face you will
automatically feel embarrassed or blushed. Now think in the future, try to see
yourself what are you doing I mean try and see if you are married, with who? Do
you have kids or not, and how many of them? How does your house look try to
imagine every single piece of furniture you own in your house. Try to imagine
what type of car do you have or what is your job what do you do for a living?

Control your mind by yourself; train it to do what you want.
For example train it to wake up early in the morning, do exercises, drinking
coffee or milk regularly, Reading new stuff, trying to learn or do something
new each and every day. Things that you do it on regular basis are not just
improving you they are improving your mind. Make a combination of what you do
on regular basis and something new you add to it. Isn’t that the reason behind
why do we send our children to school?
Yes we want to expand our kids mind and make them learn so they can be
productive in their community.
Learning is fun yeah...
The most important
message that I want to give you is always try to:
Think Positive.
Do positive.
Be positive.
Loved the post keep up the good work ;)
ردحذفThanks i really appreciate it