الجمعة، 9 مايو 2014

الابتعاث سبب العزوف عن الدين!

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

اليوم عندما كنت في احد المساجد وقت صلاة الجمعة وعند الانتهاء من الصلاة. كان المستفاد من خطبة الجمعة اغلب الشباب في مجتمعنا قد ابتعدوا عن طريق الاسلام والتوحيد فمنهم من اشرك ومنهم  من ادعى بالعلمانية والليبرالية الخ

واضاف الامام ان السبب خلف هذه الظاهرة هيا الابتعاث!

واضاف على ذلك ان الشباب يبتعثون في سن الثامنة عشر والتاسعة عشر لبلدان الكفار وليس لديهم اي علم عن الدين الاسلام ولذلك يتاثرون بمعاملتهم الطيبة والاخلاق ومن ثم يرجعون ويطالبون بما في دينهم !!!!

اردت ان اعلق على راي الخطيب فقط

اولا الابتعاث ليس سبب للانحراف عن الدين
فتاثير الشخص بالافكار قد تكون من ما يشاهده في التلفاز لساعات
او جلوسه مع اصحابه في القهاوي ولا نعلم ان هؤلاء اصحاب سوء ام لا ؟

اريد ان انبه انه في زمن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان الصحابة يشاركون في غزواته عليه الصلاة والسلام وهم صغار واعمارهم لم تتجاوز الثامنة عشر والتاريخ الاسلامي شاهد على ذلك. كما اننا خلال فترة دراستنا من الابتدائية الى الجامعة ندرس مواد الدين
وفي الجامعة ندرس دراسات اسلامية

لن تجد في اي بلد اخر هذه الكمية من الدراسة المتعلقة بالدين ولا اقصد بها انها عائق لا على العكس انه من احسن ما يطبق في بلاد الحرمين

وان سالتني عن اسباب عزوفنا عن ديننا فهيا كالاتي في نظري 
1- اصبحت دراستنا كلها كلام مكتوب من غير تطبيق
2- قد نتكلم عن سنن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم والصحابة الكرام ثم نخرج ونعمل عكس ذلك
3- تربية اهالينا لها دور ايضا كما يفعل البعض من منع ابنه من الصلاة في المسجد لغرض انه الجو حار او ان المسجد بعيد عن البيت كما ان الغالبية متاثرين بتربية العاملات في المنازل ونعلم انهم قد يكونون من اديان مختلفة وافكار مختلفة
4- كبت مشاعر الشباب بدل من استغلالها امثلة عليها الغلاء في الاكل والشرب والزواجات والمهور وادخال العادات والتقالييد في الدين
ما انزل الله بها من سلطان!
5- ابتعاد بعض الاباء عن تربية ابنائهم بحجة العمل او السفر او تعدد الزواجات من غير اعطاء احد حقوقها وعدم متابعتهم لابنائهم الخ

لمعالجة هذه الافكار المنحرفة 
اولا نطبق سنن نبينا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم
مثلا الابتسامه في وجه اخيك صدقة والابتعاد عن القبلية والهمجية الجاهلية والغرور والتكبر  
مثلا في احد الاسواق لهيبر بنده كان احد المسؤولين يتكلم مع احد الزبائن وهوا مع اهله بلهجة سيئة ويقول ((لهم انا سعودي اسواق بنده لها الفخر انه اشتغل فيه وروح اشتكيني ما تقدر تسوي شي!))  شوفة النفس والجاه وانا ابن فلان وعلان الخ كلها من اخلاق الجاهلية علينا الابتعاد عنها وتطبيق ما قاله عليه الصلاة والسلام لا فرق بين عربي واعجمي الابالتقوى
وكما قال عليه الصلاة والسلام ان الله لا ينظر الى صوركم واشكالكم ولكن الله ينظر الى قلوبكم

ثانيا نعطي شبابنا الثقة
توظيفهم وابعادهم عن اوقات الفراغ واغال وقتهم بما يعود عليهم وعلى بلدهم ودينهم بالنفع
مساعدتهم على الزواج في سن مبكر والابتعاد عن الغلو في العادات والتقاليد ومنع تعدد الزوجات ان كان الشخص ليس لديه القدرة والاستطاعة كما جاء في كتاب الله

{وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَى فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَى وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَلَّا تَعُولُوا}

ومصاحبة الناس الصالحة والطيبة وعدم المعاملة لبعض بالكره والعدوان

هذا في رايي المتواضع وان اصبت فمن الله وان اخطئت فمني ومن الشيطان

هذا والله اعلم

الجمعة، 24 أغسطس 2012


Parents what do we mean by it? Some of us will say mom   & dad; yes, but still something is missing. Parents are the real heaven on earth, angels of god in the shape of humans, Heroes.

They are the main reason for our being in this life. They start taking care of us even before we are born! They begin from choosing each other, choosing the right values in each other, secondly by getting married they bring a symbol of their love in this life a symbol that will be known as one of theirs great achievement that will leave a legacy & they will live through them forever, even when they are gone & not with us.

Now they are expecting us so they start taking extra care by not smoking, drinking or any bad habits, eating what is good for us, studies have shown when the mother is pregnant the child never face problem in nutrition, he can absorb what he needs from his mother. So imagine it our mother is giving us all our needs without being selfish. They also start buying and preparing our room and do what they can to welcome us in this life. Amazing really amazing how they love us before we are even born!!!

Everyone knows his birthday, when we ask what does that mean they say the day they were born. No one says the day my mother had face the worst pain in her life! The parents also don’t remind us of that they celebrate our birthday by buying us gifts and forgetting the pain they had to face when we were born! For our information Labor pain is the worst type of pain in the world. Now imagine our mother in this worse pain for long hours. We would not like to face that pain for ourselves but we will be happy doing it for our kids ^_^ & do we know after this horrible pain when we are born the first thing our mothers do is look at us take us in her hand and smile and be full of joy and happiness, our fathers runs all around the hospital with happiness brings the camera to take our first picture. We don’t know how happy they get when us are born.

Now they start baby proofing the house. Grabbing our little fingers smiling at us teaching us how to stand or walk or trying to teach us how to speak. They come back from work after long period of time exhausted, but when they see us trying to walk and speak they forget about themselves and focus on us and our needs.They provide us everything us need and what us ask them for it. They scarify their own needs and dreams just to make to see us happy. They scarify their dreams to live them through us. They teach us everything they stand by our side day & night no matter what us do they are always there for us.

They live through us. They cherish every single moment when they are with us. They get great sense of pleasure and happiness for being with us. They are the real heaven on earth for us.

I feel really bad for those who don’t help, listen to their parents; some of them kick their parents out of their home for what? For little money or fame or out of selfishness!!! Really it is such a shame to have to treat them like this. Please be thankful, be thankful for what we have become cause of them, be thankful for this great life that they have given us.

Now it is our time to be with them & take care of them like they were with us.

P.S. mom & dad I love you (^_^) you are my Heroes.

الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

The Mind

In the beginning I want to ask you a Question and you will answer it to yourself. What is Mind?
Ok now that you have answered yourself & I know some of you have defined it in medical terms (Geeks ^_*) & some of you have opened Wikipedia to know the definition. Define it as you want. It is powerful tool mad by the god ‘’Allah’’& I am really thankful of that imagine if it was made by humans how would it be!!!???
For certain it won’t be like it is now. The mind has great powers, I will say it is the only organ in our body that can make us as heroes or normal people or as my little niece says it “are you people or Bananas”. To make it a point about it is capability now think back something funny you did in the past & realize that you will smile or even laugh unconsciously. Try to remember some embarrassing situation that you had to face you will automatically feel embarrassed or blushed. Now think in the future, try to see yourself what are you doing I mean try and see if you are married, with who? Do you have kids or not, and how many of them? How does your house look try to imagine every single piece of furniture you own in your house. Try to imagine what type of car do you have or what is your job what do you do for a living?

If you are negative person you will think and imagine negative things about yourself in the future, & if you are a positive person you will imagine everything positive. Not just that you will also feel it now when you are thinking and imagining. Now what makes you feel it now even though you have not been in the future? It is our Mind. The Mind is powerful tool that can make us feel, listen, see, smell, say, and do what it wants. That is why many people try to control our mind.

Sometimes media tries to play and manipulate our mind by showing, and making us to listen what they want, example of that when they want to make us buy something, they will work on cache phrases. One of their selling techniques is known as “sex sells“, and some people try to make us belief what they want like illusionist when they show us what we call & know as a “magic“.

Control your mind by yourself; train it to do what you want. For example train it to wake up early in the morning, do exercises, drinking coffee or milk regularly, Reading new stuff, trying to learn or do something new each and every day. Things that you do it on regular basis are not just improving you they are improving your mind. Make a combination of what you do on regular basis and something new you add to it. Isn’t that the reason behind why do we send our children to school?  Yes we want to expand our kids mind and make them learn so they can be productive in their community.

Believe me each and every person can be productive now days.  So come on take a stand and control your minds power read more learn more.
Learning is fun yeah...

You can either read it as “you see it” or “Use it” and will prefer to USE it.

The most important message that I want to give you is always try to:
1-      Think Positive.
2-      Do positive.
3-      Be positive.